How do i fillet all edges of an open box

Howdy, really smart folks!

Attached is my file for a simple centerpiece for a kitchen table. I always create items in Rhino so my wife can see it before I make it. However, I also try to make it as real to the output as possible, so this model has 4 sides and a bottom. Question: How do I fillet a 1/4" on all the top edges (1/4" outside edge and 1/8" inside edges) without having the anomalies at the corners? In other words, if this were one piece all the way around, the fillet command would be perfect. But since it is 4 pieces, the corners will not look real. Imagine if I ran a round-over router bit all the way around the outside edges and how that would look. I’ve never been able to figure this out.


Table Centerpiece-2.3dm (4.5 MB)

is this the detail you re after ?

Table Centerpiece-2_tp.3dm (10.1 MB)

_booleanUnion the 4 Sides
Extract some surfaces as Cutters
_createSolid to separte the 4 sides again

like this?

Table Centerpiece-2_kfix.3dm (4.6 MB)

simple .25 fillets on outside, .125 pipe trim and blendsrf on the inside

Not at a computer so cannot try it but I think the internal corners still need to be round off like so:

would not be able to do that with a router the inner most corner has to fill to make a round, a router will not do this. it’ll just “miss” there and you’ll likely need to do a little hand sanding.

it would however, likely round the outer corner as you have drawn here. I was being a bit lazy.

The exterior corner would be a ball if the router is guided by the bit, and the peviously created fillets are followed.

The exterior `corner would be mitered if the router is guided by a fence.

LOL. Ok folks, thanks for the input. I know a router will not roundover an inside corner, but thanks for sharing.

For Tom_P, booleanUnion is easy enough, but I can’t seem to mergeAllCoPlanarFaces so it stops there.

For Kyle, the filet on the outside leaves odd corners. Not sure how to do a pipe trim but I can look it up.

Guess I’m still stuck unless you folks want to elaborate a tad more. :slight_smile:


I think the inside corner would look like this.

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pipe trim video here-