How do I complete this shape?

Hi, I’m trying to create this handrail and I’m wondering what’s the easiest way to model the part that is missing to connect the two pieces

Make both ends a bit longer so they cross, then use the regular trim command to delete the superfluous parts.
For example.

Or do you want a round corner? Put.a sphere in the middle, then trim around.

Not sure if you have your railing lines defined anywhere?

If so, you can feed them into this grasshopper script that will create easy rounded intersections at rail joins, provided that the rail lines meet at said joins, it works for polylines and individual curve segments (provided they touch).

I’ve enabled control for the join type. Miter, Minimal Round, Large Round (with variable radius):

Model Space (GH Created Rail (Left), Your example Rail in Rhino (Right):



Minimal Round Miter:

Large Round:

I need to run but I’ll package the GH file as a user object later and share here.

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I would use curve fillet with the desired radius, then build a Revolve surface.

In case that you want to connect both pipes in a sharp meeting point, then I suggest method A or B:

Method A:

  1. Join the two lines or curves used as centers for the pipes;

  2. Run the ! _Pipe command. Rhino automatically connects the surfaces.

Method B:

  1. Use ! _ExtendSrf to extend your existing separate pipes, so that they will intersect with each other;

  2. Use ! _Intersect to create curve intersection between the pipes. Note that you may need to ! _Explode the resulting curves, as Rhino tends to join them in an unusual way. Once you delete the unwanted curves, ! _Join the intermediate ones that you actually need;

  3. Select the new joined curve and use ! _Trim to remove the excess end of each pipe.

By the way, if you want to build simpler and easier to edit individual pipes (not joined ones), I strongly recommend to use this macro:

! _Pipe _Pause _Cap=_None _Multipause _SelNone _SelLast _ChangeDegree 1 _Enter
_SelLast _HistoryPurge _Enter

If you want to extract a centerline from an existing pipe, you can use this script: (6.5 KB)

To run the script from a custom button, write the following command:
_-RunPythonScript “path to your folder where you permanently store the macro\”

A custom icon I made for this script (slightly modified Pipe icon):
Extract centerline

How the command looks like in my Rhino 7:


I have to learn Grasshopper but would be grateful to receive the file and save it in my library for future use. It looks very helpful!

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Sorry I thought I had attached it previously! I’ll share when I’m at my computer again.


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Hola Elisa,
assuming that a “straight” intersection (without round corner) is Ok for you, I also second the simple:

So, just:

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Add a sphere to the center of the end cap, that’s the easiest way if this is just for visualization.
Or trim them both back a bit beyond where they touch and use blendsrf.

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