How CurveOrientation Enumeration works

Hi all,

i try to reverse curves but first i need to identify which curve is clock or counterclock direction, but i dont know how CurveOrientation Enumeration works.

Thanks in advanced

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Ok it can be used as comparison like this.

rh.Geometry.Curve.ClosedCurveOrientation(cu) == rh.Geometry.CurveOrientation.CounterClockwise

But i dont know if its used correct in my example according to this

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Hi @flokart,

Here is documentation on the Curve.ClosedCurveOrientation functions. Please read the comments carefully, as they will determine which version you use.

Here is simple example:

import Rhino

plane = Rhino.Geometry.Plane.WorldXY
circle = Rhino.Geometry.Circle(plane, 5.0)
curve = Rhino.Geometry.ArcCurve(circle)
orientation = curve.ClosedCurveOrientation()
if (orientation == Rhino.Geometry.CurveOrientation.CounterClockwise):

– Dale

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Thanks Dale,

very clear example and easy to understand.
I have a very hard time to understand the symbols in front of the autocompleted code options.
There seems to be no info about the symbols
But i get better and better thanks to the good support

top left symbol = class
top right = protected method -> a method which can be accessed only from within a derived class
bottom left = Enumeration -> listing of states for comparison purposes
bottom right = property -> simplified getter/setter; this concept is known for Python as well,its just not very common

They are .net symbols, you find further explanation on . IronPython = C# with Python syntax. This means you need to be aware of the fact that you are scripting with C# logic actually.

Thanks Tom

This information with a small example would be so helpful for beginners like me when i search in the RhinoCommonAPi

Rhinocommon Api should give information about the library, but not on how to program. If you don’t know about intermediate concepts of programming its not McNeels fault. ->C# -> Python Equivalent

Thanks again Tom for these links.
I get all information that i need in this forum from poeple like you when i stuck and i am very happy about this option of support provided by mcneel.
Sorry if my comment above sounds like complaining about mcneel.
I am thankfull that companys with open mind like mcneel exists.

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