How can I use trigger component in grasshopper?

Hello everyone,

I’m looking for a way to start Trigger component.

My intention is : when my Boolean Toggle is False,
point should move with the vector that I assigned in the C# script repeatedly.

I also want to notice that I’m following a C# workshop lecture by Long Nguyen You can see the same script here : (, at 1:14:24)

The difference is that he’s using a Timer component, but I found out that that it merged with another object called Trigger which I’m trying to handle with. (Where can I find Timer component?)

I’m also attaching a file. (4.9 KB)

This might be very basic question, but it would be very helpful if you could answer!
Thanks in advance.


(c.f The reason why C# script file looks so simple is that I’m using mac OS.)

Each time you run your code, your first line is defined, which puts the point at (0,0,0) each time.
Thus, we do not define the first point in RunScript, To be run just for the first time and from then on, each time just by pressing the reset button, its position will be set to (0,0,0). (4.6 KB)

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