How can I rotate those panels toward the attractor?

Hi, I was trying to have those panels gets rotated based on the distance between their centroid and the attractor. However, they are all rotating towards the same direction. I use remap to define the angle but I guess I have to define what’s the right and left of the attractor?

What I want to approach is like this (you can see that the panels on the left side of the attractor is tilting to right and vise versa):

This is what happened in mine:

Here is my document. Any suggestions will be really helpful. If you know where I can find a tutorial about this, please show me the way.

yas panel GH.3dm (1.5 MB)
241008_Yas Panel (22.2 KB)

241008_Yas Panel GH Edited (42.9 KB)

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Thank you. The functions you add in is really considerate and very closed to what I need.
Just one question: In the cluster “Normalized”, what is the whole tree/branch for?