Hello everyone! I need to number this elements, but I can’t get them in GH as blocks, so I could extract centerpoint and number them. But since they are elements I don’t see quite how I can do it with a GH script.
pontos.3dm (5.7 MB)
Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate,
You can get all the elements in your file by using the “VisualARQ Pipeline” component. If you need to get their position, you can use the “Deconstruct Element” component.
How can I extract the origin point of the element? I tried centroid, but I dont know why it is distant from the actual center of the element.
Nevermind, I got it.
I am having another problem with tables… I would like to organize the table by the room (VA spaces) the elements are located, it seems that the table almost get I all right, but some elements are discontinued. Sure I can do this by hand, but it must have a better way to automatically organize it
Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate,
You can edit the table style to sort rows ascending or descing by one of the fields. In your example you can choose the field where you are showing the spaces and define it as ascending or descending to have them grouped as you need.
nice, thank you!!
One last question: Can I concatenate numbering those elements with their position in the table?
Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate,
What do you mean? Please, could you show me a small example of the result you want to get?
The simbology in the plan is generated by elements created in VA. The numbering is suposed to work as a map, connecting the plan to the table. What I meant was if there if it is a way to connect the count of the elements generated in the gh script, where I explode the element to get the origin block point and generate the counting.
I wish to connect this counting to the table somehow.
Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate,
You can auomate the numbering with Grasshopper, once you get those numbers you can (still in Grasshopper) assign them to the corresponding objects as a value in the tag property of each element.
After that, using VisualARQ in Rhino, you can create tag objects (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6MDWotbYDg&ab_channel=VisualARQ) showing the tag property and create a field in the table which shows this tag value.
I am having some problems and some questions:
Is there a way to visualarq pipeline to retrieve only specific elements? I need to number wall power plugs but I have other elements that I don’t want to count, like the lightining elements. Of course I can open a new document and copy/paste the specific elements but it would be nice to have a way to select only what I need.
Whenever I copy an element such as the power plug,this copied element does not get counted in the gh script (idk maybe it is the script), therefore it won’t be properly tagged. I tried recomputing the script and VAupdating the elements
Also, in the way you presented about tagging elements, I would have to assign for each single element the tag? I couldn’t find a VAtag component in GH and couldn’t figure out how to conect the numbering with the VAtag.
I am posting the elements only file and the gh script
counting daught.3dm (18.6 MB)
Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate,
You can use the Layer and Name filters in the VisualARQ Pipeline component:
You can also create a definition which filters by style, so that you can get all the objects of the same type and style:
Filter by type and style.gh (9.7 KB)
Filter by type and style.3dm (2.7 MB)
I tried to reproduce this issue but I get it counted in the Grasshopper definition. Am I reproducing it in the same way as you?
The tag object cannot be created from Grasshopper, but you can create all of them at once. Here you have an example of what I mean:
Thanks for the tag script and the hint about the layer! I am having just one problem where the tag number is very small and I would like to scale it up. How can I do this?
I tried separating by stule but it isn’t getting the values that I wanted… I grafted the Pattern input and could achieve the ones I want, but the list gets multiplied and I cannot access the remainders… I would like to separate this list so I can put list A tags as green and list B as orange
Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate,
If you want to separate the objects like this, I think it is better to use these other components:
Filter by type and style.gh (9.9 KB)
Filter by type and style.3dm (2.8 MB)
is there a way to tags not be generated at the centerpoint of the object? like 10cm away from it or I need to do this by hand?
One thing I found is that the order of tag numbers in the table is considering the first interger only, as you can see in the image
Another thing, maybe as a future wish: that same elements in XY position but with different hights have an option that they could stack in the end of each other, rather than be over each other in plan view.
This is one of some reasons that I everytime need to explode a plan view to edit it. Because of that, I think it would be nice to exploded elements be grouped by their geometry in the plan view/technical drawing. It would be easier to edit the drawing.