How can I make the data index unify before and after data editing?

Hi, All
I have a set of data tree with initial index is not from 0, which is gained from selecting all hexagons among a net with some of the hexagons are imcomplete

I find the remaining hexagons’ index are not from 0, but after I start manipulating vertices, their indexes are automately reorganised form 0

So I would like to ask help from your professionals : how can I make the data index unify before and after data editing?

Thanks in advance ! :pray:

If i understand you need match tree

Thank you a million ! Seghier :smiley:
It works!

Maybe you could do it also by right clicking over the geometry input of the move component and set it to principle. But without a file-just guessing.

Yes, That also works! Many thanks Baris !