I’d like to refresh the datastore of my Eto.Forms.TreeGridView. I’ve read this topic and the documentation and appearently I can pass a FilterCollection object to the TreeGridView.DataStore attribute which notifies the GridView to refresh when the DataStore is updated.
However, I cannot seem to instantiate a Eto.Forms.Filtercollection. Can anyone help me with this?
#! python3
import Eto
from System.Collections.Generic import IList
my_tuple = (['a',1], ['b',2])
fc = Eto.Forms.FilterCollection(my_tuple) '>>> TypeError: cannot instantiate an open generic type'
Thanks for the information. I see this approach works for the GridView, but not for the TreeGridView since the DataStore attribute doesn’t accept Eto.Forms.FilterCollection as a type.
However, I did find the ReloadData() method that solves my problem.