How can I create customized windows?


i want to create empty for windows like in this picture : (with chipping)

is there any solution ? i think we can do that in Archicad

thanks in advance

Hi @Henry_Boutet_de_Monv, this is not possible to do with VisualARQ windows right now, which create a regular opening profile across the wall.
As a workaround, you can create a solid to subtract it from the wall, and place an exploded window in the desired location.


I test visual arq beta 3 and there is some bug :

I can’t create windows correctly in a roof

an other bug, roof despite its window style

Hi Henry, can you share a 3dm file to see what’s happening?

Yes, we are aware of that, thanks!. This issue depends on a bug in Rhino:

bug roofwindow visualarq.3dm (1021.8 KB)

Hello Francesc,

You can see the bug in this rhino model

And i find a solution but you must unvalid roofs host type of the window style

Hi Henry, thanks for the file. We will get back to you when we fix this issue.

Hello Francesc,

I find an other bug with mapping when i open a visual arq 2 file in rhino 8 with visual arq 3

bug visual arq3-2
bug visual arq3

Hi @Henry_Boutet_de_Monv this seems to be related to the same issue reported here: The Box mapping in Rhino 8 doesn't work for VisualARQ objects - #2 by fsalla
We have fixed it in the next Beta. But if you want to share your file I’ll confirm if it’s the same case and if it works well or not.

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@Henry_Boutet_de_Monv you can already download the new Beta version that fixes this issue with texture mappings and also the problem of the opening in the roof: Rhinoceros 8 - VisualARQ

This limitation is one of the biggest showstoppers. I’m writing about it just to bring some attention to this problem.

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Hello Francesc, ok thanks

I agree, here in Europe we have often splayed windows or windows frames with different internal and external opening dimensions.
We are evaluating Visualarq, but we need to be sure it is a flexible tool. We don’t want to spend a lot of tiem to understand how to work around the limitations of our primary design tool.