Hovering over Display Conduit objects

I’d like to be able to display additional information (e.g. some 3d text or a Dot) when I hover over a DisplayConduit object.

Is this possible?

For example when I’m in the DisplayConduit can I get access to the current mouse coordinates (from which I might be able to transform/calculate what is being hovered over.)

There might be a nicer way? (In which the object being hovered over is identified, rather than just the screen coordinates.)

Thank you,

Peter Schwenn

Hi Peter,

The SDK does not support mouse-over highlight, which is why you don’t already see the feature in core Rhino.

Keep in mind that your conduit is only called, by Rhino, when the scene needs to be redrawn. It is not call on every mouse move.

Sorry I can be more helpful.

Hi @dale,

Does the SDK support today mouse-over highlight (not necessary for DisplayConduit objects but for objects in general)? Just wanted to be sure. Would be great if there is a way to handle that.


Hi @PaulPoinet,

Sorry, no, not yet.

– Dale