Rhino 6.12 with RTX 2070
Hm… I think I need one of those RTX cards, quadro or GeForce, for the development of Holomark 3… do you think that could be arranged?
Had to build a new machine, not as good as Jeff though:
Holomark 2 R6 v2,61
Total Score: 299973
Total Runtime: 1658.94 sec
GPU scores: 272800
GPU_01 - 1111.10 fps - Cube 4 tests
GPU_02 - 89.30 fps - UDT Shape
GPU_03 - 59.90 fps - Wireframe
GPU_04 - 59.20 fps - Shaded
GPU_05 - 59.90 fps - Rendered
GPU_06 - 59.90 fps - Block Rendered
GPU_07 - 1338 units Nurbs @ 5 fps in Wireframe
GPU_08 - 643 units Nurbs @ 5 fps in Shaded
GPU_09 - 157 units Nurbs @ 5 fps in RenderSpeed
GPU_10 - 59.90 fps - RenderMesh Render
GPU_11 - 59.90 fps - RenderMesh RenderSpeed
GPU_12 - 60.20 fps - JoinedMesh Render
GPU_13 - 59.90 fps - JoinedMesh RenderSpeed
GPU_14 - 163 units mesh @ 15 fps in Shaded
GPU_15 - 382 units mesh @ 15 fps in Render
GPU_16 - 1417 units mesh @ 15 fps in RenderSpeed
GPU_17 - 59.90 fps - mesh in Rendered Studio
GPU_18 - 59.90 fps - Nurbs in Rendered Studio
GPU_19 - 59.20 fps - Block Illustration
GPU_20 - 58.80 fps - 2D single
GPU_21 - 59.80 fps - 2D massive (20x)
CPU scores: 27173
CPU_01 - 5.42 sec - Booleans and Contours
CPU_02 - 1.17 sec - Twist and Taper (UDT)
CPU_03 - 2.39 sec - Meshing Mini
CPU_04 - 0.02 sec - Extract Render Mesh
CPU_05 - 0.02 sec - Join Render Mesh
CPU_06 - 6.44 sec - Reduce Mesh
CPU_07 - 0.44 sec - Calculating Technical display
CPU_08 - 2.50 sec - Making Silhouettes
Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 - 4095.0 MB
Intel(R) Core™ i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz
NumberOfCores: 8 NumberOfLogicalProcessors: 8
MaxClockSpeed: 3.6 GHz
TotalPhysicalMemory: 64.0 GB
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
- None - 64-bit
Rhino 6 sr 12 64 bit
AA level = 8
Strange, your FPS is capped at 60hz, except the first test, so either your system has som extra Nvidia sync thing or rhino ignores the new turn off vsync feature.
Probably not extra, Sam probably just has “Vertical Sync” turned ON permanently in the NVidia Control Panel, instead of “Use the 3D application setting”. If it’s not set to the latter, then there is no way for the application to control it.
@SamPage was/is this intentional?
Vertical Sync is currently set to Use the 3D application setting, I have a hunch the capping might be due to to a display port -> DVI converter I’m using to keep an aging monitor functional for a bit longer. I’ll try a pure display port or HDMI monitor when I get a chance to see if that is what is doing it.
Please keep us posted if you find the reason why it happens, if it’s some kind of setting that affects your benchmark, it might also be causing performance drops in everyday Rhino use.
Yeah, but you get 1111 fps and 89 fps on the box and the udt test though… So that’s bugging my mind. Do you have some start up/new file script running? The mini file is opened as a template to force all systems to use the same units etc. So I could rerun the toggle off V-sync command one more time after the new file is made, but that should be a sticky command, so I would like to find out why it appears to be ignored on your system after the mini file is made.
On my old laptop at home. Monday I will try it on my laptop at work which is an HP ZBook Studio x360 G5. Cannot wait…
It is Monday. Looks good, I think.
Also got a couple more cards… These tests were done with a newer machine though…which I can only assume is why the 5000 shows better than my 6000 results above… I’ll put the 6000 in the newer machine and see what it yields…
Yes, please do!
I found an CPU score oddity. By disabling AA, one CPU Meshing Mini jumped by 2 times. My Aging 2600k with slow memory is likely bottlenecking the GPU, as well.
I also feel that the window is too small to get a good sense of fill-rate and AA and higher resolutions.
Thanks for the test : )
Holomark NOAA.txt (1.9 KB)Holomark.txt (1.9 KB)
I just ordered a new machine with a RTX 2070 card and an i7 8700K and I presume that will work as a boot to my butt regarding Holomark3…
Please share your score when you get it, I can’t wait to compare and start anxiously troubleshooting my computer.
Cool, now you’ll start seeing those divide-by-zero in your script…