Hide specific toolbar tab

Hi Morten,

There is some basic tool bar information available in this help topic. Tool bars, macros, menus and such are defined and saved in a Rhino RUI file, the following is a description of the different RUI sections and what they represent:

Macros contain executable script and visual style information. Following are some of the macro properties:

  • Script
  • Bitmap Id (used when referenced by a menu or tool bar item)
  • Menu text
  • Tool bar button text


  • Small (menu)
  • Normal (default toolbar button size)
  • Large (used for high DPI settings)

Tool bars
A tool bar is visually represented as a tab that may appear in one or more tool bar groups. A tool bar definition contains:

  • A name or title that appears as tab text.
  • Bitmap which may appear next to or instead of the tab text.
  • A collection of tool bar items which contain left and right macro macro Id’s.

Tool bar group
A tool bar group is a collection of tabs gathered in a container that may be either docked or floating. A tool bar group definition contains:

  • Name which appears at the top of the floating container when a group is floating and not docked.
  • Some style options regarding how to display the tabs which can contain text, a bitmap or both.
  • Ordered list of tool bar group items which contain tool bar id’s to be displayed as tabs in the group.
  • The active tool bar tab.

Menus get inserted to the left of the standard Rhino Help menu and contain a list of macros and submenus to be added to the standard Rhino menu bar. There is a special menu section used to define where it insert or extend the standard Rhino menus.