I’m fairly new to grasshopper and can’t understand perfectly everything it can do.
I’m working for a firm actually that asked me to design a perforated metal skin that is gonna be used as a sun protection for the facade. The aim is not to duplicate the pattern on all of it and try to randomize the hexa grid (like the picture below) so that every sheet of metal will be unique.
The randomization of the perforation worked, but now i need to define some point from where the density of the hexagon around will reduce according to its position in space. The further you get from the point the less percentage of perforation you will have.
I’ve seen some topics where the curves are downscaled the more you drive away, but I want to keep the size of my hexagon the same.
Here is a screenshot of what I’ve managed to do, the file wil follow :
I just got back to the agency and it works wonders !!!
Thank you very much for your help and your time, it’s exactly what I wanted !!!
Have a wonderful day !
Hi again, I ran into another problem…
Working on a big scale metal skin, i was wondering if it was possible to optimize the time it takes to generate the Hexa Grid. And if so, is it possible to apply the script on only certain areas ?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Usually, nurbs operation will be computationally expensive(in this case, boundary surface at the end) when you are dealing with a large amount of geometries.
Try to use mesh instead if possible. Or divide your whole geo into smaller pieces and apply your desired definition respectively.
Ok I’ll try that, I don’t need the boundary surface at all.
The skin is going to be laser cut so I kind of need only the line, the contour of the boundary Surface.
Thanks again for your help !
Hi again… I just realised that I still have a major problem.
Working on a big scale skin and having the perforation at 1cm of diameter, it takes a lot of hexagon to fill my whole facade. Maybe you have a solution to limit the system to only the metal panels I need. Or should I just work panel by panel ?
In this picture is the whole skin I need to fill with the perforation it is a 1000 hexagon long by 300 wide and I don’t fill a 10th of the panel. So for better visualisation it would be nice to see the whole result in one shot, and see when there is no panel too.
Thanks for your answer, I’ll check that and call them.
But I was wanting to achieve that in Grasshopper to learn more about the software, that way I’ll control the outcome.
So you are saying that they could sue my firm for trying to create a pattern that will fit our need on the building ?
Or just using their jpeg to have a perforation ?
Because I’m not using any picture to create the perforation
Their patent is particular to images, so no worries. Even if you use images its not a serious concern since its a different process then they describe. I think they are just looking for people to settle without fighting it.
IMHO, there are too many small hexa-holes per penel, ie the resolution is too hight, I mean.
It seems that there is no problem even if the resolution is reduced to 1/3.
Yeah I’ve counted, I’ll need 3 Millions hexagons to fill the whole facade.
My question was can we apply the hexa grid to a limited number of panels/surface in grasshopper ?
The golden ones on my previous first picture.
I mean i need like 2300 point on the X axis and 1400 on the Y axis to fill the surface.
So if I was able to fill only the surfaces needed it would be a lot more easy.
I’m not sure it’s going to make the script faster though.
But as a visual aspect it would be better