Help with T-Splines

I have posted to the T-splines forum for help on project but have gotten no replies.
Does anyone know of any other avenues for T-Splines help?

If you need general training, then check their two pages of tutorials: Basic tutorials and more tutorials. In general, I always look for tutorials by Kyle Houchens first. He’s the best. :+1:


Not sure which T-splines forum you posted on but I have had good luck with this one:

I think you may have better luck posting your question here in the Rhino Forum and seeing what help may be had here. In my experience, the T-Splines forum is beginning to “wither on the vine”, so to speak. A trend I see only increasing as time goes on. Just my 2 cents.


care to share why?

I guess that I (like others in various other posts in the forum) question how much longer T-Splines is going to be around. Now that it’s been folded into other Autodesk products, how much longer will Autodesk develop it as a plug-in for a competitor product? Since T-Splines has been purchased, the forum activity seems to be dropping off, too. I could very well be totally wrong about all of this, that’s why I gave it a value of only 2 cents.

How about all interested try dinging for a complete and comprehensive T-Splines course inside Rhino, perhaps including the Fusion 360 implementation too? Can’t hurt. I did so several weeks back.

This one is out there already:

I proposed this a while ago to my producer at lynda. They typically do a projection of the potential audience before making a commitment to a new course. When we discussed T-Splines, the thinking was that some V-Ray courses and more Rhino project-based courses should be a higher priority. Now, we have three V-Ray courses, so I can check back and see what they say.


Don’t forget that there are really good videos / webinars on the T-splines website.

I have looked at the t-splines tutorials and they do help with understanding how it works. However like most tutorials they do not address project specific problems. This is what I was looking for on the t-splines forum. It has only been two days, maybe someone will yet reply.

The digital tutors training looks better organized and more sequential than others I have seen. Thanks for that reference. I will see if they help.

The Digital Tutors site has added a couple of courses using Rhino and T-Splines in the last couple of weeks, one being an introduction course to T-Splines:

Pretty good stuff. The T-splines site, Novedge site, YouTube and Vimeo all can be searched for some good resources.

I would like to see a T-Splines course on Lynda, in the vein of your Rhino course. I like your comprehensive explanation and I think T-Splines users would benefit from this approach. All of the T-Splines tutorials I have seen are project or task specific, including the Digital Tutors course. I’d like a detailed explanation of each tool and how to use it, I think this would be a good introduction and complementary to the other tutorials out there.

I do share mcramblet’s concerns that Autodesk will kill off T-Splines for Rhino at some point. They have just released a new version so hopefully these concerns are unfounded.

Hi All, From my perspective I have watched quite a few T-Splines webinars etc. and am still learning, and for me the main problem with the training material is that they each show you what to do to get a certain specific model, which is great if you’re planning to make a model exactly like that, but when most of us sit down and try learning T-Splines and apply it for our needs, and we end up with strange topology, or a model which has problems which we can’t seem to fix. T-Splines is in many ways better since the new v3/v4 changes to the way creased edges work on an edge and also near star points, but can still be confusing to many.(And me at times)
What I would like to see is a tutorial/webinar etc. of "What not to do in T-Splines."
eg. Someone with experience to explain common topology mistakes, and which tools will just get you in trouble later on. Also added to this would be how to spot a problem early and ways to fix the fixable problems.
I read/heard somewhere that the difference between nurbs and TS modeling is that nurbs modeling has an additive approach, ie. Build up to the shape you want, whereas TS has a subtractive modeling approach, ie. Model the whole and then cut pieces off it to get the shape you want. This thinking helps me when approaching a TS model, but I’m sure there are others with some wise words and thoughts here. Michael VS

If a good portion of the 181 viewers (to date) of this thread could take 2 minutes and advocate a few sentences to, such might help gain traction - and give schultzworks plausible deniability…:slight_smile:

Please go here:

T-Splines complexity is perfect for a properly structured academic style lynda course. The material out there, while decent, is disjointed, and the webinars are inefficient.

What is needed is an A-Z utilitarian, structured, and detailed course covering all individual aspects, usage, etc., rather than; here is how you build a space invader ship.

If Lynda sees T-Splines/Rhino as esoteric, convince them otherwise. (Hey, they did GH) TS/Rhino resides at the genesis of an important sector of the economy. Professionals will pay for access if they believe they need it, and many students get access to Lynda and all can access the software. Throw in some buzzwords (i.e. 3D printing) even a marketing manager can understand…

@schultzeworks - right in your wheelhouse, eh. Who needs another rendering course anyway… :smile:

Good idea. I went there and put in my request for a T-Splines tutorial.

I received a reply thanking me but saying they have no plans to present anything for T-Splines.

And Nixon was not a “crook” and would never resign…

Stock answer from CS, until it is not. Keep up the pressure. Thanks

@Vulcanelli, I looked at your question on the tsplines forum, here.

There might be two problems involved: 1) the creation of 3D template and 2) a draping of insulation (foam sheets, maybe?) over this form.

It might be that it is more a Rhino type project than a tSplines project.

I found a tutorial on the Rhino Patch command – might be helpful. The second part talks about surfacing an irregular topography – a mountainous island in the example.

Thanks for this idea. I watched the video however I need to make rather crisp edges for insulation blankets and I am not sure the patch command would accommodate that.