Help with joining 2 pieces of a model together

Hello dear ones, I urgently need help in joining 2 objects together in my model. It is a spoon handle which should be exactly the same as for the knife. I have already built the knife separately. How can I connect them now?

Knife.3dm (7.9 MB)

Do you want to fill the gap between the handle and blade; or move them together, and then match and join?
What is the intention for a transition between the notches in the end of the blade and the handle without notches?

The handle contains 683 surfaces. It could be modeled with a small fraction of the that number.
There are two bands of small surfaces at the end of the handle. They are not needed.

How much experience do you have modeling in Rhino?
Do you have experience with other 3D modeling software?

if you managed to build the knife like that then i seriously wonder where your skills vanished so fast.

Yes I want to move them together and then match and join, if this is possible. I don’t have too much experience unfortunately… But im learning . :slight_smile:

So with the handle you mean that I should re-model it with less surfaces?

Thanks in advance David. :slight_smile:

I build it together with a tutorial? But thanks for your help…

you have to create a boundary that looks similar on both sides you then create one curve on each side and loft, you could also try blend surface but as @davidcockey mentioned your surfaces are very complex not how one typically would model a precise object… so without you diving a bit more into Rhino there is not much we can do

alright, you succeeded in making me a guilty conscience and since i hate having these i sat a bit on it.
be aware all the surface issues and missmodelings aside that you would have to make a strong design decision here, since you did not answer any of davids questions i went ahead and made one attempt.

if you explode the knife and untrim the front parts you can then trim it back to get a clean cut. then the bottom looks like this seen below where you have the handle being very thin shaped inwards and the knife actually solidly meeting that area.

basically this part has to be made from scratch carefully blending parts of the surfaces together so that they make sense, if you blend the entire surface together in one go it will get uncontrollable.

i leave the the file i have so far, maybe there is something you can learn from it. be aware that there are a few issues with overlapping not fully joining edges on your side, but if its just for you to get into it then ok. it might be a good practice and try to rebuild all once more trying to be precise and rethink surfacing strategies.

knife.3dm (2.8 MB)

Hello, thank you very much for taking the time to look at my model. You have of course helped me a lot. i studied interior design and did my masters in product design, so i taught myself rhino 3d. I wish I had learnt how to work correctly with the programme from a professional. I am working on being more accurate. But thanks for your effort anyway. Happy new year. :slight_smile: