Hi!. I was experimenting with object displacement in Rhino 8… Can anybody please take a look to my file to see if I’m doing something wrong? (I was able to do it both with a displacement map in a PBR material, and also using Bella, but for some reason the displacement in object properties is not possible) Thank you in advance for your help
llantita mini displacement cycles.3dm (2.1 MB)
Please turn off the Custom Mesh to the object first and then try to set the Displacement again.
Thank you very much Jessesn… I though before that a higher custom mesh was necessary… (is that still necessary for material rendering?)… when would you suggest to still tune the Custom Mesh?
I found you set a very very small value to the Minimum edge length option of object’s custom mesh, you will get a right result of displacement after you give a lightly larger value to it.
If you use a displacement map for a PBR material instead of directly creating a displacement mesh.
Thank you for the video… Although I now get a little confused… so the “minumum” should be larger than the "maximum?)
Sorry to confuse you and the answer is NO . Here is a guide about how to set the mesh parameter, hope will help to you.