Help with Arctic mode please

No, I did not solve this problem on my machine. I had to use my school’s computer.

I also had this problem, but I was able to solve it. The problem is that Rhino 6 Arctic mode was displaying using Default Lighting instead of Ambient Occlusion.

I am running Windows 10 Bootcamp on a Mac. I have had issues in the past with the GPU, so my Rhino.Options.OpenGL.UseHardwareDriver is set to False. This has helped with other display problems (the screen turning black when changing between display modes).

I suspected this was causing the rendering issue with Ambient Occlusion, so I changed Rhino.Options.OpenGL.UseHardwareDriver to True and restarted Rhino. Voila! Ambient Occlusion is working properly.

However, I’m not sure how useful it will be because I still have the issue of my display turning black. So, I guess I have to decide which setting is more important at a given time.

Hi Were you able to fix this issue, Im having the same problem

I don’t remember how it got fixed. Sorry, It was so long ago. I have upgraded to Rhino 6 running on a macbook pro under VMware.