Help with a more editable approach to Fatten?

Hi all,

I’m working on a sculpture where I want to start with a tree-like roots-branches form, and I want to edit the form visually before I bake/remesh/detail. I’m using fatten with polylines and spheres to drive pipes thickness change.

The problem: It gets pretty hard to edit the spheres while also seeing the end result. And I keep losing the connection between spheres and lines/polylines end points, so once they are disconnected from the end points the spheres stop being an input.

Here’s my Rhino/GH: (17.5 KB) treetrunk_fatten_disconnected_spheres01_gf_200603.3dm (9.0 MB)

If anyone has any ideas of how to make this less breakable for realtime editing I’d really appreciate it.

also, @DanielPiker, do you have an ETA on that SubD boolean tool you where showing. It would be super handy for this project.



I can see the lines + spheres and the results at the same time if I move the preview to the side, not ideal, but workable.

I still wish it was a way to keep the spheres ‘sticking’ to the lines/polylines endpoints.

@pascal, is there any reason why in Rhino I cannot group a control point to an object? Like this:



Hi Gustavo - there is - in the current scheme of things, control points are made up on the fly - they are not objects in the Rhino file. Thus they have no ID like an object does, and groups are really just selection sets that keep track of IDs… There is a movement afoot, I believe, to make control points identifiable for grouping, but this is not in place yet.


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That makes sense, and great to know control points will be promoted to have their own ID. I think the same should happen to all subObjects like edges, faces, etc. it would allow for so much trickery and spells!


Hi Gustavo - one thing that may help in V7 is named selection sets - these can remember control points - it’s done, I believe, using the parent object ID and the CP index, which is reliable up to a point. NamedSelections overlap a little uncomfortably with Groups, currently…


Here’s one possible way for now: (10.3 KB)

(uses this plugin:
Topologizer.gha (19 KB) )


Thanks so much for your @DanielPiker, this is really useful for now!