All the recommendations provided by the pinned Grasshopper post apply to Rhino.Inside.Revit as well.
The addition of multiple versions of Rhino/Grasshopper along with supporting these in Revit 2019-2024 require users to provide a little more info so that you can help us help you.
We understand that even simple workflows can be complex for beginners (be it in Rhino/GH, Revit or both) and will continue to work on documentation and workflow guides as things progress.
Thanks to everyone who helps out and for your patience.
2. Basic About Information if Rhino isn’t loading into Revit
This is typically a conflict with a Revit Addin that loads an older version of a shared .dll before Rhino.Inside.Revit gets a chance to load the latest. The first Addin that loads wins.
Revit projects are rarely small & the issues are rarely simple. Its understandable that support files aren’t always readily uploadable, for size or for privacy concerns.
That said, here are some recommendations:
Isolating the question to a new Revit file with the Revit Version in the File Name, then purge the Revit file several times to reduce size.
List your GH plugins needed to review the question, if possible remove all gh plugin components not related to the question.
Name your GH file with a prefix of RH8 or RH7
The Rhino file isn’t as important to add a prefix but would be a good practice to do so, some users that are trying to help might not have Rhino 8 installed.
Search the forum first, if its something to do with the Revit API try Revit API forums, Stack Overflow, Youtube & various blogs, they are all great resources.
Choose the correct Forum Category for your post. There are many implementations of Rhino.Inside besides Revit, please put ANYTHING related to Revit in the Rhino.Inside - Revit forum category.
If the question is purely grasshopper related, remove all Rhino.Inside.Revit components and post to the Grasshopper Forum category for greater exposure.