How can the top reflection be white?
I’m trying to replicate the effect seen on the “glamira” image, but I’m not really succeeding. I’m attaching the “3dm” file with my attempt.
Please help!
What’s “Glamira”?
Where’s your file?
Pls help us to help you.
In general reflections depends on the relative position between light and camera. Turn your view around will give you the bright face. Otherwise move the light to achieve the results.
Isn’t an easy process at the beginning but using raytrace mode will greatly help
Cycles sample ring.3dm (1.8 MB)
They have also a free plugin for rhino. This would improve your rendering greatly, it’s a specialized rendering for jewels
Either increase size of your rectangular lights so they create good highlights, or use a hdri that includes highlights. Right now your environment does not have anything like that.
The rectangular lights you currently have in your scene aren’t position correctly nor large enough to create the white bands you’re looking for.
You could create a simple Blender scene and render that out as a new panorama render with equirectangular projection. I created a simple Blender setup that you can play with: glamira_environment.blend (980.0 KB). I created two renders with different size black band saved out as EXR files that I then used to create Rhino environment files:
Glamira_1.renv (10.3 MB) and Glamira_2.renv (10.9 MB). Note that these have quite high light intensity so you need to drop that down in Rhino. Alternatively you can turn down the strength of the panels in the Blender file before rendering and saving the HDRi out.
I removed the rectangular lights in this render, since I use the glamira 2 environment I created:
Tweaked 3dm file: Cycles sample (16.8 MB)
I am grateful, thank you for the response, I will try it right away!
How can I move the black stripe to the stone area of the ring and completely whiten the reflection?
Something like this is how I would like it, as I adjusted it afterward using GIMP.
Thank you in advance for your response!
You can adjust the Blender file such that the black stripe comes out a bit higher. Here the .blend file with adjusted geometry and world shader: glamira_environment.blend (1008.9 KB) - probably even easier if you put in a black panel and adjust that instead of the world shader.
The Rhino environment created with this is: Glamira_4.renv (11.9 MB). And the updated 3dm: Cycles sample (9.2 MB)
addendum: if you want the light panels to go all the way around then in the Blender file instead of using a plane use a non-capped cylinder with the emission material. Make sure the panorama camera is inside it so that you get the correct effect in the equirectangular render.
Oh, probably the environment texture missing from the world shader. Pink = missing texture file in Blender.
If Blender is a bit hard to use then maybe the easiest way to create custom HDRI lighting environments is - they have an integration plug-in with Rhino.
Yes, just load the file and it should be fine - it is your file that I used as the basis.