i am not sure this will help i remembered this popping up at some point, there is a general bug in rhino if i understood that correct, the bug is still open as it seems.
here a topic that also contains a gh definition to fix it, did not try it.
Could you give me the name of the existing Hebrew font you found on the servers? I would do some tests to see why it appears inverted. We can likely add support for the Google font you mentioned, but it will likely have the same inversion issue you mentioned, therefore we should look into this first.
I was on an intro call with Ezequiel and that was the font we were looking at. In my case, the font I am using is particular to the design I am working on so I would love to be able to have it as a shapediver option.
Unfortunately, this seems to be a known issue in Rhino. The issue happens also there, not only on ShapeDiver (see the other forum topic posted by encephalon). Depending on how your definition uses or and displays the text, you might be able to solve the issue by flipping the string in Grasshopper. Maybe other users dealing with right-to-left languages in Rhino can point to some good solutions.