Heavy file with basic shapes... how can I reduce it?

Here is the screen capture of a chain I did in my 3D file with rhino. It is made of 2 opposite bail shapes. In my file, these are “closed solid polysurfaces”

The thing is that use a lot of them to make like a “curtain” of chains, so I have a lot of polysurfaces. That make the file heavy, long to calculate and a problem to export as GLB file.

How would you recommand to build this chain, and how would you reduce the weight of the file ? At this time, it’s about 1,3GB
Thank you !

If it’s all the same element, make a block from one link. Make copies of the link block to make one chain. Make another block from all the link blocks to make one “chain” element. Make copies of the chain block to make your curtain.

Convert the shape to mesh.

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Using blocks, of course !!! Thanks for this wonderfull advise ! From 1,4GB, my file weigth is now 62Mo, I feel good ^^
But this changes a little bits things here :
1/ without blocks, I could “cut” the chain exactly like in reality, because the “chains curtain” follows a bended curve, so at the very bottom, it follows this shape. image

In reality, I need all straigth like this

2/ I need to export the file as GLB or OBJ, and the size of the file is reaching 680Mo which is to high, and in OBJ, if I use mesh, it turns to 2GB file. I need to import it into Adobe After Effect, these extensions are needed…

If you need different length chains, then you will need a different block for each chain. If they are all unique lengths, I guess you will end up just using a lot of copies of the original link block and grouping them instead of making a nested block. You cannot cut a link of course…

Blocks are only internal constructions. If you export the whole thing you will still need to export discreet objects - probably meshes. So the file size will likely still be large.

well understood !
As I need the product to be stiff, not flexible, what do you think if I make a mesh envelopp of the whole chain ?

I can’t quite tell, but it looks like you may be at the custom mesh limit on this model too.

It may help some if you can simplify that link by remodelling it. If it is something that must have defined dimensions, fair enough, but this looks reasonably freeform. There are many spans here.

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I still try few things but indeed I may adapt the design of the chain to what I need which is for an animation. So the chain can be different and not totally detailled…


when looking at the iso-curves of your element, it indicates that your surfaces are too complex. Seems like you used some sort of railing/sweeping technique.

For that U shape, you need approximately only 3 surfaces (for each side). Two of them with 4x2 controlpoints and one blend with 6x2 cps.

You can also apply the same reduction for the fillets, even if that requires you to manually do them.

Also note that the simpler your main surfaces are, the less complex are cutouts and fillets. Simpler/smoother surfaces yield less complex intersections and those are the bottleneck regarding memory.

Oh I got it Tom, I will pay attention to this in order to simplify the process and make it more efficient for the machine and I…