I would like to create a radius on the top edge of this solid, but anything over about .11 in radius will break the object.
One foot note, this solid has a 2% taper on the side walls, so not sure if that’s whats causing the issue.
Just wondering if there is another approach I should be using?
Example.3dm (374.3 KB)
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(Kyle Houchens)
April 16, 2024, 8:43pm
your radius here is .10
you cannot make a larger radius than this without it self intersecting.
try building it without those radii, then add the .14 first around the top and bottom, then the .10 on the sides
do it like this-
(Martijn de Gier)
April 16, 2024, 8:58pm
Wanted to respond the same thing as @theoutside , was already modeling a file to prove my case, but to late.
Just like Kyle said, because of that corner filled it cant produce the other fillets.
My personal 2 ways of fixing this are:
Filleting everything at once.
Try a different approach, so top first then sides.
Thank You very much… I will give this a shot…
One follow up question… How did you do the mark up’s ? was that done with a digital pen, or other method? Really cool effect !!
Thanks again…
(Kyle Houchens)
April 16, 2024, 9:11pm
I grabbed a snapshot with the snipping tool in windows, and marked it up with a wacom cintiq tablet and a digital pen using the paint tools in the snipping app.