Gumball bug in Rhino8 sr4?

I disable these functions, but sometimes they still work, but sometimes there’s a transit line.

        Gas.TranslateXEnabled = false;
                Gas.TranslateXYEnabled = false;

                Gas.TranslateYEnabled = false;
                Gas.TranslateYZEnabled = false;

                Gas.TranslateZEnabled = false;
                Gas.TranslateZXEnabled = false;

And I don’t understand why you didn’t give the option to increase the center (Translate) point when increasing Gumball in the settings (Radius) ? “On a Macbook, this point is very small”.

Hello- I can’t tell what you are showing in the clip - it is clearly not plain Rhino - most likely you should contact the person who provides that plug-in, as it appears to be.


I’m the developer of the plugin Grasshopper Gold. :sweat_smile: This is definitely a problem for me and many users. I would appreciate it if you could solve this bug. I’m pretty sure you changed the way the Gumball works for rhino 8. This problem doesn’t exist for rhino 7.

hi @taraskydon can you provide me a sample that shows this issue?

Thanks for your interest in the problem, but I have already written my own tool to manage this process without using Gumball. Rhino8.

I have described the problem. my code won’t help you, the problem is on deep Gumball code. that was modified for Rhino 8.

Gumball (test).gh (12.1 KB)

thanks @taraskydon for the sample,

RH-80200 gumball translate gets constrained