Hello - to get an offset of a guide, use the TwoPoints option and pick two points on an existing guide.
Hello - to get an offset of a guide, use the TwoPoints option and pick two points on an existing guide.
Hi Pascal,
I’m using rhino 6 last release. I need me too to create offsett of existing guides guides. Where can i find the TwoPoints option? Thanks, Roy
Hi Roy - a few posts above there is a little plug-in with some guide ‘utilities’ If you download, unblock, and load (drag and drop), that rhp file, you’ll get a command
This has the two point option.
Hi there,
just stumbled upon this post, which is very interesting.
Is there a way to permanently show the guides yet?
If not would this be possible via RhinoCommon?
In case this is not possibe the only chance would be a display conduit, right?
Hi Tobias - not regular guides, yet, but the little plug-in posted above may help for now - here it is again:
CLines.rhp (37.5 KB)
Thanks, @pascal.
I just came across this old thread while searching for ways to emulate SketchUp guides. Add me to the list of people that would like to simply be able to use the mouse to drag from an existing guide to create a new parallel guide at a specific offset from the existing guide.
One thing that I have found the works for guides that are parallel to the CPlane axes is to enter relative coords on the command line (eg. r10,0 Enter) after running the AddGuide command. This will place the guide base point at that relative offset from the current cursor position coords. Then, I can select the 2nd point so the guide will be parallel to the existing guide. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work for guides that aren’t parallel to the CPlanes axes because it is not obvious what the correct relative offset coords. This is still much slower than using only the mouse.
Edit: I see there is a recent thread that mentions the use of “from”. Use of “from” allows for working with angled guides and is more general than using relative coords.