Group members order

Hello again,

i need to have the last added item of a group. Therefore i tried to analyze the way Rhino adds objects to groups and added some points to a group. Then i added some text in the order group_table.GroupMembers(index) returns the group members.

object = rs.GetObject()
groups = rs.ObjectGroups(object)
group_table = rc.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Groups
group_index = group_table.Find(groups[0], True)
group_members = group_table.GroupMembers(group_index)
count = 0
for group_member in group_members:
    count = count + 1

The last item had the index 0. The order was kept but reversed.
I then saved the File and reopened it. Now index 0 was the first item - the order was reversed again.
I am struggling to get my problem solved and would be very glad if someone could help.
Thanks in advance!


The order of objects in the Rhino document reverses when the file is saved and reread. I would recommend using the Id of the object if you need to track it between sessions of Rhino.

Thanks for your fast answer. If I can rely on the reversed order while the document is open - more precisely while the script is running - i can work with this. Or are there any other things, that could change the order while the document is open or while a script is running?

Sure, if other objects are added to or removed from the group.