Group curves

Hi, sorry to bother you, I found this script which is great thank you very much, but I want to group the curves and I can’t get it to work

’ DivideCurveDashed.rvb – October 2010
’ If this code works, it was written by Dale Fugier.
’ If not, I don’t know who wrote it.
’ Works with Rhino 4.0 and 5.0.

Option Explicit

’ Divides a curve into “dashed” segments
Call DivideCurveDashed
Sub DivideCurveDashed
Dim arrSel,arrObjs,strGroup,msg,strBC
Dim curve, slength, dlength
Dim i, length, pt, t, dom, results

curve = Rhino.GetObject(“Select curve to divide”, 4, True)
If IsNull(curve) Then Exit Sub

slength = Rhino.GetReal(“Segment length”, 1.0)
If IsNull(slength) Then Exit Sub
If (slength <= 0) Then Exit Sub

dlength = Rhino.GetReal(“Dash length”, 1.0)
If IsNull(dlength) Then Exit Sub
If (dlength <= 0) Then Exit Sub

Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
i = 0


  If (i Mod 2 = 0) Then
  	length = slength
  	length = dlength
  End If

  pt = Rhino.CurveArcLengthPoint(curve, length)
  If IsNull(pt) Then Exit Do

  t = Rhino.CurveClosestPoint(curve, pt)

  If (i Mod 2 = 0) Then
  	results = Rhino.SplitCurve(curve, t, True)
  	curve = results(1)
  	dom = Rhino.CurveDomain(curve)
  	curve = Rhino.TrimCurve(curve, Array(t, dom(1)), True)
  End If

  i = i + 1

Loop While True

Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
Call Rhino.Command(“_SelLast”)
arrObjs = Rhino.SelectedObjects

If IsArray(arrObjs) Then
strGroup = Rhino.AddGroup
Call Rhino.AddObjectsToGroup(arrObjs, strGroup)
Call Rhino.AddObjectToGroup(strBC, strGroup)
Call Rhino.ObjectsByGroup(strGroup, True)
If IsArray(arrSel) Then Call Rhino.SelectObjects(arrSel)
End If

End Sub

original link

how about this in the last part instead:
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
Call Rhino.Command(“_SelLast”)
Call Rhino.Command(“_Group”)

Hi @Gijs Thanks for answering
the problem is that it asks to select the curves. I try to avoid that request. have the script group them by itself. there are too many zigzagging curves to select them all.

not like in a macro that is selected automatically, without requesting manual selection

Call Rhino.Command(“'_SelLast _EnterEnd”)
Call Rhino.Command(“_Group”)

Strange, seems the Sellast is not working first time. Try:
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
Call Rhino.Command("_SelLast")
Call Rhino.Command("_SelLast")
Call Rhino.Command("_Group")

and it seems to work… not sure why

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That worked, Thank You :grin: