Gridded Bricks, Gap Control


I have this script and model and its working right now, maybe not the most efficiently. Anyways, I was hoping to add a parameter that allows me to control of the brick gaps by columns!
brick light installation - grid (36.6 KB)
trial 1.3dm (277.1 KB)

Two Crv params in your GH file are empty.

But your bricks are organized as rows from Contour. That makes it difficult to control spacing by columns.

This is a simplistic and incomplete way to organize brick spacing by columns. I didn’t bother to orient the bricks correctly. I used ‘X’ vector instead of ‘Z’ for Contour and increased the distance (‘D’ input) to get 35 columns. Then added the white group to get the spacing by column.

bricks_2024Jan5a2 (30.3 KB)

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I purged a lot of extraneous and distracting parts of this GH file, to understand it better and make some changes. The reference ‘Simple Brep’ is internalized so no need for Rhino file. (20.1 KB)

P.S. You can adjust the ‘Min’ slider (white group) to increase density. Better yet, make ‘Min’ slider 0 to 1 and multiply it by the computed max value. When ‘Min’ is 1, all rows have the max number of bricks. (14.7 KB)

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