I want to use “insert” the way one would use “xref” in AutoCAD. I’m most of the way there. I’ve inserted the background drawing. But so far I am unable to gray out the inserted block. I’ve changed the layer colors but nothing seems to happen.
Hello - if in the inserted file, assuming it is a Rhino file, the objects have display color set ‘By parent’, they will follow the layer color of the layer the instance is on.
The background file, imported from ArchiCAD via DWG, had every object’s color individually set with its colors matching the imported layer color. I changed them to “by layer” and then I could change the layer colors in the file where I inserted the block.
Since you’re being so helpful, can anyone suggest an appropriate layer to place the inserted block on? In AutoCAD one usually uses the Defpoints layer. I let the block fall on the Default layer, but I wonder if that’s the best choice. Does anyone have a convention for this?