Sometime in the last two months scaling of the entire UI has changed so that my Toolbars and Component Tabs have become very small, and they are much smaller than the corresponding UI items in Rhino.
In addition, my GH files that had been nicely formatted now have components that are much larger than before, resulting in an ugly look.
I recently converted from Windows 10 to Windows 11, so I suspect the problem arises from that change.
Attached is a screenshot showing GH and Rhino side-by-side, suggesting that this is a GH-only problem.
I’m hoping there is an XML setting that I can reset or change somehow.
Zooming never changes the size of a component relative to the canvas space in which it sits. Zooming in and out on this canvas perfectly preserves my uglified layout.
I believe it was in Grasshopper Settings (which is obtained via File/Preferences), and was in the Display section. However, I don’t see it there now; maybe because I already “eliminated it”?