Grasshopper & Rhino Data Exchange Loading Issue

I have the Data Exchange Rhino Connector and Data Exchange Grasshopper Connector plugins installed in Rhino and Grasshopper, respectively. When I load an exchange in Data Exchange Grasshopper and then attempt to load the same exchange in Data Exchange Rhino Connector, Rhino crashes.

Could someone please assist me in understanding what could be the reason for this?

Is this the same issue?

No, its a different issue.

We’ll need more information to be able to help.

Is your Data Exchange Rhino Connector the latest and is it supported on your current Rhino version?

I’ve also updated data exchange yesterday and each time I close Rhino it opens this website :
and saying Autodesk API stuff so I deleted it till they fix the plugin.

Rhino 7 SR 36

Yeah, My Data Exchange Rhino Connector is the latest i.e. 2.0.1 and that is supported on current Rhino version also i.e. Rhino 7 SR 36

This a third party plugin so troubleshooting will need to go through the developer.

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I am unable to access this link. Could you please check once?

This was a pop link that opens by itself after closing Rhino to get red off it I uninstalled the Data exchanger :smile:

ohh got it