Added a simple part of a paramatric model that does not respond as I would expect.
The point on the surface doesn’t follow the point of the MD slider.
What am I doing wrong?
You are getting a warning from the Fit Loft component because you’re only supplying 2 curves. You can eliminate the warning by supplying more curves or using the Loft component.
The v-direction of your surface is oriented to the negative Y-axis. You can change this by reversing the order of your curves (right-click on the Curves (C) input to the Fit Loft component and select Reverse).
If you want the output from the Evaluate Surface component to be at the center of your surface when the MD Slider is set to 0.5, 0.5 you can reparamaterize the surface (right click on the Surface (S) input to the Evaluate Surface component and select Reparameterize).
Alternatively, you could adjust the parameters of the MD Slider by double clicking it and setting it’s X-Domain to 0 to 10 to match the parameters of the surface.
Thanks for your answer.
I used the other loft command and reversed it, but still the x and y direction get swapped.
When you look at the x and y positions in the MD slider, they are correct, x from 0 - 1000, y from 0 - 2000.
But when you move the point in the MD slider and look at the point coordinates of the EvalSurf, you’ll see that the two have been swapped.
This is a test in the flat plane, but after this it has to be put in 3D, so I want to understand what’s happening.
Hope you can put some more light on it.
It works. Thanks a lot.
I thought that I was doing things wrong, but as I understand, Grasshopper itself does not have the possibility to do this, and actionally it is some kind of bug.
Is that correct?
Thanks a lot. It works, not just in the flat plane, but also 3 dimensional.
This was the part where I got stuck last year.
Added a short video that shows the result.