Grasshopper Player hooked

Hi @wim

I am having the same sort of issues. A sort of memory caching of geometry which I would not expect.
In the video below you can see the following steps:

  • Grasshopper player starts grasshopper command “place block”

  • This component uses “get-line” input for placing, and the “geometry pipeline” for reference geometry.


  • The command runs fine and generates a line with info to generate the geometry.

  • The unexpected thing starts after the grasshopperplayer has run succesfully and is finished. When I move a road line (the referenced geometry) a lot of place block geometry is generated without giving a new command. Somehow the geometry of the geometry pipeline is cached, and when it is changed it invokes new running of the command.


Hoi Erik -

This issue is on the list as RH-66768 and was fixed in the WIP on Windows by providing a setting at the bottom of the Document Properties dialog in Grasshopper:

That issue is still open because it hasn’t been implemented on macOS yet.


Hi Wim, this option is very useful, please consider to allow the remote panel when running grasshopper player too.

Hello Wim,

thank you for this. I have a question - is there any plan this would find its way to R7 users too?

I can run GH player definitions in WIP, but when working on shared files, I have to SaveAs R7 version on and on, as we have many users with R7 only.

And with GH player scripts they face all above issues with GH player running definitions behind the scenes:

  • ghosted geometry from all previous solutions,
  • object selection and manipulation (with basic Rhino commands) after GH player gets difficult with more and more scripts performed (Rhino restart is the only solution for them)

Thank you for information.

Best regards,


no, there is no new development left for R7 except for bug fixes