I’m trying to set a group of blocks as the root (or ankor point: the black boxes )
and randomly generate blocks that grow from the root box or boxes ( the red ones ).
I want the growth to be based on the grid and its minimum unit.
I think using random population somehow in grasshopper may be the answer, but I really don’t know where to start… Can anyone suggest a starting point for this?
If you have specific seed spots … then a Recursive grow (with various Random min/max vars) is the way to go. A “separation” option is also a must. In real life we use a bool [ , , ] Array to keep track on visited nodes. Elementary with code … but I have no idea how to do it with components.
If on the other hand you are after some 100% Random/Karma related result (using a zillion of options including grow “around” spots, attractors in push/pull mode, probability to take something … blah, blah) in some 2/3Grid that’s also very easy via code … but … see above.
See some cases where you can control Random pts (and in your case using an “ortho coord pt mode + spots” to define the center of your Voxels [ in x/y/z Intervals: [-value/2.0, value/2.0]).
If you want an entry level C# demo notify.
I believe this is flawed and it’s definitely slow - but I need a break, so here it is, for now. Uses Anemone.
grow_regions_2022Oct16a.gh (36.4 KB)
Breaks are crucial for programming. Get out of your chair, take a walk and creative alternatives flow, not constrained by the fixations of debug mode. Code is simpler, better and faster.
grow_regions_2022Oct16b.gh (30.8 KB)
P.S. I found a way to make it faster. Instead of finding boxes adjacent to the regions AND checking all boxes to see if they are inside any region (each time through the loop), I do those operations sequentially. So InCurve operates on far fewer points.
grow_regions_2022Oct16c.gh (31.2 KB)
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oh my. I’d try this quickly to see the logic. Thanks !!
Ooh. thanks for having my ideas explored. I should try it too !
In general a Recursive grow can work IF there’s an Adjacency Connectivity available (or there’s some suitable rule(s) around) . For your 2/3d Grid is rather obvious (not so if you have holes/voids)
For the example below this AC is a classic FF Mesh Connectivity (i.e a Tree of type int where a path is the index of a given Face in a MeshFace List and items are the indices of the adjacent Faces in the very same MeshFace List).
So using a Quad Mesh and picking Randomly some seed (start) Faces by index and:
- Setting option Stop (i.e. terminate after sampling N items per Cluster) to false ,
- Setting option Separate to false
… we get this (real-tme no matter the size of any - valid and manifold - Mesh) :
BTW: this is “closer” to some sort of 2dGrid (with voids: i.e. a Matrix where 0 means void and 1 means some item):
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Joseph, I’ve been using your way and thanks to the loop I have been getting interesting results from it.
One last thing I’m trying and could not find an easy way with using Anemone,
Is there a way I could introduce certain areas as boundaries that the growth would not expand over?
Sure, as long as the constraining shape doesn’t exceed the grid from ArrRec.
I added the cyan group using an ellipse to limit the solution to rectangles whose center points are inside that boundary. Any boundary shape will do instead of the ellipse.
grow_regions_2022Oct19a.gh (37.4 KB)
You could write this differently to start with a boundary shape, use it’s bounding box to create the rectangular grid of boxes, then use the cyan group to cull only the boxes within the boundary.
P.S. For this one, I just drew a boundary curve by hand that doesn’t exceed the RUnion space and internalized it.
grow_regions_2022Oct19b.gh (36.5 KB)
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Exactly what I was looking for! thank you