Grasshopper : how to generate Random adjacent boxes in grids?

I’m trying to set a group of blocks as the root (or ankor point: the black boxes )
and randomly generate blocks that grow from the root box or boxes ( the red ones ).
I want the growth to be based on the grid and its minimum unit.

I think using random population somehow in grasshopper may be the answer, but I really don’t know where to start… Can anyone suggest a starting point for this?


If you have specific seed spots … then a Recursive grow (with various Random min/max vars) is the way to go. A “separation” option is also a must. In real life we use a bool [ , , ] Array to keep track on visited nodes. Elementary with code … but I have no idea how to do it with components.

If on the other hand you are after some 100% Random/Karma related result (using a zillion of options including grow “around” spots, attractors in push/pull mode, probability to take something … blah, blah) in some 2/3Grid that’s also very easy via code … but … see above.

See some cases where you can control Random pts (and in your case using an “ortho coord pt mode + spots” to define the center of your Voxels [ in x/y/z Intervals: [-value/2.0, value/2.0]).

If you want an entry level C# demo notify.


I believe this is flawed and it’s definitely slow - but I need a break, so here it is, for now. Uses Anemone.
grow_regions_2022Oct16a2 (36.4 KB)

Breaks are crucial for programming. Get out of your chair, take a walk and creative alternatives flow, not constrained by the fixations of debug mode. Code is simpler, better and faster. (30.8 KB)

P.S. I found a way to make it faster. Instead of finding boxes adjacent to the regions AND checking all boxes to see if they are inside any region (each time through the loop), I do those operations sequentially. So InCurve operates on far fewer points. (31.2 KB)

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oh my. I’d try this quickly to see the logic. Thanks !!

Ooh. thanks for having my ideas explored. I should try it too !

In general a Recursive grow can work IF there’s an Adjacency Connectivity available (or there’s some suitable rule(s) around) . For your 2/3d Grid is rather obvious (not so if you have holes/voids)

For the example below this AC is a classic FF Mesh Connectivity (i.e a Tree of type int where a path is the index of a given Face in a MeshFace List and items are the indices of the adjacent Faces in the very same MeshFace List).

So using a Quad Mesh and picking Randomly some seed (start) Faces by index and:

  1. Setting option Stop (i.e. terminate after sampling N items per Cluster) to false ,
  2. Setting option Separate to false

… we get this (real-tme no matter the size of any - valid and manifold - Mesh) :

BTW: this is “closer” to some sort of 2dGrid (with voids: i.e. a Matrix where 0 means void and 1 means some item):

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Joseph, I’ve been using your way and thanks to the loop I have been getting interesting results from it.
One last thing I’m trying and could not find an easy way with using Anemone,

Is there a way I could introduce certain areas as boundaries that the growth would not expand over?

Sure, as long as the constraining shape doesn’t exceed the grid from ArrRec.
I added the cyan group using an ellipse to limit the solution to rectangles whose center points are inside that boundary. Any boundary shape will do instead of the ellipse. (37.4 KB)

You could write this differently to start with a boundary shape, use it’s bounding box to create the rectangular grid of boxes, then use the cyan group to cull only the boxes within the boundary.

P.S. For this one, I just drew a boundary curve by hand that doesn’t exceed the RUnion space and internalized it. (36.5 KB)

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Exactly what I was looking for! thank you :slight_smile: