I’m having an issue with my Grasshopper script. When I connect my custom plane to the “normal” input of the “Circle CNR” component, the script freezes and doesn’t recover. (even after hours it remains frozen)
I had the same problem with another component, and when I flatten and simplify it, it worked much faster. In this case, flatten and simplify do not work. Could you please let me know if there’s a way to make it run faster or if there’s another issue causing the problem?
In this file my custom plane is connected to “normal”, but when I set the “points” component to the points in my rhino file, that’s when it stops working.
Thank you for your time,
Here’s a file with only the circle component and its inputs internalized: Eleni - Circles Only.gh (125.5 KB)
That creates 12 160 circles and is computed in 13 ms on my system.
This test shows that it’s not that component that is the bottleneck in your code, but something downstream from here. You should test with a smaller dataset first and have the profiler widget turned on to identify places that take a long time to compute.
Thank you very much for your time,
I did the grasshopper from scratch and I connected it with a much smaller surface in Rhino, and it worked. Although, still when I connect it with the facade of the building it freezes.
Have you check the Windows Task Manager? I’m sure you’ll see that Rhino/Grasshopper is hard at work, not frozen. I didn’t take a close look downstream in your definition but I saw Boolean operations. It’s not hard at all to make a definition in Grasshopper that will take days or weeks to complete.