Grasshopper extension for visual studio community 2019

I recently updated my IDE to version 2019 and it seems I can’t use grasshopper extenstion anymore because it was designed to work only with 2015 and 2017 versions. Is there any way to make VS still see it?

As a work-around create a project in VS2017, then open in VS2019.

you can also easily modify the existing extension to make it compatible with VS2019. Actually is is already compatible, but it doesn’t know that it is. Here’s how to change this:

Down* load the extension VS2017 version of the extension.

  • Open the extension as a ZIP archive, eg. using 7ZIP.
  • Modify extension.vsixmanifest:
    • Replace every Version="[15.0,16.0)" by Version="[15.0,17.0)"
  • Modify catalog.json:
  • Replace * “Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor”:"[15.0,16.0)"} by
    • “Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor”:"[15.0,17.0)"} (Actually I think you could also remove the part entirely, this CoreEditor thing is gone since VS2016, but I have not tried this.)
  • Save the archive and make sure the file extension is sill .vsix

That’s it it now installs under VS2019. The same modification can be done to the RhinoCommon Template for VS2017.

See you


Thanks a lot Flo!

I’ve attached the modified extension in case anyone needs it. (292.6 KB)


This works great!
thankyou so much for sharing. :grinning:

Thank you! That’s it exactly what I am looking for!!!