Hi all,
I wonder how can I use GH custom display to display Brep edges as black lines under rhino render mode?
Thanks for any suggesttion.
Hi all,
I wonder how can I use GH custom display to display Brep edges as black lines under rhino render mode?
Thanks for any suggesttion.
You can use customPreviewLineweights component from Human plugin.
Wow, cool, thanks Mahdiyar!!
I realize Human only work on Rhino 6, I wonder if there any other plug-ins can do similar things in Rhino 7?
The wierd thing is, I cannot find Human tag and components in Rhino 6 as well, even if I have reload grasshopper and Rhino 6 after installing…
Have you tried PackageManager command?
Didn’t know this new function in Rhino 7, it is really cool, great thanks!!