Grasshopper contoured surface region difference

Did you find a way to draw it in Rhino first ?
If you find a satisfying solution in Rhino, then you can try to build it in GH and have few parameters to adjust your model.
I did the modeling in Rhino :

The red parts will be easy because curves are closed, (nevertheless, you’ll have to deal with different curves on the same plane). But the blue ones are to be made from open curves, you’ll have to find a way to close the curves before anything else.

In your case, if you want to fill the gaps between your contour curves, you have to find the main logic of your workflow.

  1. You can choose to fill the space between your curves. How will you deal with open curves ?
  2. You can also choose to cut planar rectangles with your contour curves and keep only surfaces that you want. How will you make the difference between a surface to keep and a surface to delete ?