Grasshopper c# - NurbsSurface.CreateFromPoints, how does it work?


I was wondering the basic use for NurbsSurface.CreateFromPoints in grasshopper C#.
I expected to make a plane based on these 4 points(‘pts’ in code), but it always returns me the butterfly shape.
Screenshot 2021-02-20 at 20.46.30

My code is :
A = NurbsSurface.CreateFromPoints(pts, 2, 2, 1, 1);

Because there are 2 points in U/V direction and plane is degree 1 surface.
What am I missing? Is the order of points wrong?


Hello - 0,1 3,2 or 0,3, 1,2 is what I expect should work here. You might also look at NurbsSurface.CreateFromCorners() which would take the points as you have them and does not need any degree info or anything - simpler with just four points.


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great! thanks!!!