I want to make tis kind of pattern in grasshoper. At first i tried to make 9 points and then take 3 points to make triangles and create this pattern but it didnt work. Can someone help me?
thank you
That pattern has a lot more going on than 9 points and 3 points is going to accomplish. Is there a reason you don’t just trace those curves in Rhino rather than GH?
yes, beacause the projecy i have in on grasshoper
This is a complex pattern that can not easily be remade parametrically. That is not to say it is impossible. Almost anything is possible.
In order for others to better help you, I suggest making an attempt at recreating the pattern by first analyzing the underlying organization. It appears to be a single right-triangle mirrored 8 times.
Take a shot at it first, and then share your script with internalized geometries. I doubt anyone will be inclined to complete your entire project for you from scratch.