Graph mapper parameters

Hi guys,
I’m struggling to understand how to manage some parameters in the graph mapper. Despite my attempts to create an adaptive infill in a closed curve, I am unable to manage the maximum and minimum distances between the segments generated (IMG 1). How can I define that the minimum distance between two segments should be 1.6mm and the maximum of 15mm?

Adaptive (23.0 KB)

Adaptive (29.6 KB)

I started by creating a domain: 1,6 To 15
Then I realized that you can’t arbitrarily divide a distance (204) by a number (50) and expect the minimum value to be meaningful. So the blue slider must be adjusted so the MA (Mass Addition) result is less than the distance.

Finally, one more ReMap resolves the difference between the MA result and the actual distance.

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I can see why you struggled with this. As this image shows, the second ReMap in my model pushes some of the intervals slightly above the ‘1,6 To 15’ range.

Adaptive Infill_2024Jan14a2

I can think of other ways to do this but not sure they will be any more precise. :thinking: No luck so far.

P.S. Here is a different way using your original Graph Mapper, which is easier to shape:

Adaptive (31.8 KB)

More intervals :exclamation:

thank you so much @Joseph_Oster. At the beginning, I thought it was an easy problem, but as you observed, it was not so obvious

I like the second version I posted above (‘14c’) better than the first for two reasons:

  1. The Bezier curve in Graph Mapper is easier to modify with precision, for a variety of results.

  2. The technique of reversing the list (with Shift List and Entwine) ensures symmetrical results at both ends because the list of values from Graph Mapper is duplicated in reverse.

Also, the ‘S’ and ‘T’ values on the second ReMap work better.

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