Granular surface to remeshing for clean bake

Dear GH community,

I’m certainly too bad to do better, but I’ve been trying for 3 days to get this surface to work for me. My goal is to make a kind of gradient of perlin noize on the roller to have a more granular surface. If you see a better method, I’m not against it. Particularly if the surface could be really controlled (better than the actual). I use 4d NOIZE pluggin.

Where I’m blocking is to turn this surface into something that I can then bake and print in 3D. (41.0 KB)

One small detail, I didn’t manage to join the surfaces when trying to CAP them with union of solids or other methods. And, as I can’t find an easy way of extracting lines and points from lines on edges, I extracted them by hand in Rhino and sent them back to GH for boundaries and loft…


you have done some error,
welding must be done before the noise and bump.
Same thing for remeshing, herei I used Triremesh and then Loop Subdivision (augment the L to have mores faces)
Another error is to use a slider for the scale. A scroller is more adapted because you can explore more easily the effect of scale.

Mesh thicken can be used to solidify your object.
Or Shrinkwrap (41.7 KB)

Also Nautilus uses a very nice noise “Fast Noise Lite” that has many options

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I’ve been following a lot of your examples on the forum and your work.
I will try to understand what you have done.

Thank you very much!

I’ve seen your Nautilus plug-in, but I haven’t dared use it, because I’m already trying to understand GH and plug-ins make things easier, but don’t allow you to really understand what you’re doing.

Solution Check Box is generally put on the reply that answers your question !

It is a good thing to limit the use of plugins. But for it is worth I pointed the use of other noise generator, Fast Noise Lite is not from me but I integrated it in Nautilus, it is a very nice tool.