Buonasera, dovrei effettuare il gradiente della mesh sul mio cilindro avendo a disposizione la tensione in Mpa.
Non riesco a collegare i giusti componenti in maniera tale da vedere dove si concentra maggiormente la tensione. Qualcuno sa aiutami? Grazie in anticipo
cilindro5.3dm (42.6 KB)
Cilindro.gh (25.0 KB)
Italian - Detected
Good evening, I should carry out the mesh gradient on my cylinder having the voltage in Mpa available.
I can’t connect the right components in such a way as to see where the tension is most concentrated. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance
Ciao Federica.
Questo forum è in inglese.
Non è chiaro cosa devi fare ne come sono definiti i dati di partenza.
Oltre a questo, stai usando male il componente:
… che ha bisogno di tanti colori quanti i vertici della mesh, non tanti quanti le facce della mesh.
Hi Federica.
This forum is in english.
It’s unclear what you want to do and how is defined the initial data.
And you are using wrong the Mesh Colours component. It need per-vertex colours amount, not per-face.
Italian forum if you want to stay in Italian
And get replies only from Italians?
The italian forum is exponentially less active than this one, but problems usually get solved in decent time anyway…
When a problem is too complex or need devs attention, usually we suggest to repost the problem here…
How does anyone know that other languages have their own forums? I don’t see any links to those?
After exploring the Italian forum a little, I couldn’t find my way back to this one. A tower of Babel?
I think it’s just this one, international/english , it.discourse.mcneel.com and cn.discourse.mcneel.com (which seems less active than the italian one…) and nothing else.
I might be wrong… just from memory. (maybe a beta for japan was tried…)
It’s each a different website. Login might be the same but the user panel is a separate one…
With no links between them? Seems odd to me. I guess they are discovered / promoted differently?