GPU out of memory when printing pdf


when trying to plot an A0 pdf from Rhino 6 (using pdfXChange 4.0), I get an error whereby the gpu runs out of memory. An “NVIDIA opengl driver” messagebox is displayed very quickly before the screen goes black for a little while and then recovers. Rhino crashes in the meantime. The error messagebox is then blank which is why I cannot send the exact message.

Initially I thought this has to do with my fairly heavy file but even a blank Rhino document with a single rendered viewport in the A0 layout causes the same crash.

The machine I am getting this error on has an Nvidia Quadro with 8GB RAM with the latest driver.
Saving the Rhino file to V5 and printing from there works fine with the same set-up.

Hi @dgebreiter,

We are aware of this issue. It should work if you disable the skylight.

cool. I’ll try. How do I turn the skylight off?

Edit: found it. Rhinoceros->Lights

Hi @hbe,

Can you start by posting your Rhino System Information? Go to Help → System Information… and paste the text here.



Does it work if you print using Rhino PDF?
