Golf ball? Evenly spaced points on a sphere?

I had seen RhinoPolyhedra and just installed IcoSphere but a) these are Rhino commands, not GH(?) and b) no matter what I try, including MeshIcoSphere, I can’t seem to set the number of sides? I don’t know how to get IcoSphere to work at all?

I also saw the LunchBox Platonic Icosahedron but it implies 20 sides, fixed, not polyhedron?

I squandered more time investigating a C# component I found here, in a model by @laurent_delrieu :

It looked promising but the C# code looks sketchy and produces output in steps, as ‘nfaces’ ranges from 1 to one hundred thousand(!), the actual number of mesh faces are 20, 80, 320, 1280, 5120, 20480 or 81920. Weird.

This part must be a very common GH question, so why is the answer so hard to find?