What plugin isn’t working for you now? I’m not aware of a repository of service releases off the top of my head so I’d like to figure out how to get this plugin working agian for you in SR9. Have you also asked the developers of the plugin about the issue?
Hi Brian,
TDM`s Clayoo is broken and I had already contacted them. I use this plugin daily so should have known better than to update so soon.
The person who I think is the lead on that plugin told me that they are working on a fix but until then advised me to go back to SR8. I quote from their support:
The fastest solution is to uninstall Rhino and install Rhino sr8. I’m working to fix Clayoo asap. If you can’t find the Rhino sr8 contact us and we provide you a Rhino sr8 installer.
We will publish a new Clayoo sr as soon as we have all the problems fixed.
I wil go back to them for a link to the SR8 to see if they can supply it as they stated. Thanks for the response.
We just published a new Clayoo SR. We do the changes to run smoothly in service release 9. We have tested Clayoo and now its fully compatible with Rhino service release 9, but if you find some strange behaviour don’t hesitate in contact us.
You can download the new service release using the next link: Clayoo
Or just click on the Clayoo update notification.
With the sr8 we can replace custom objects with a preselection. With the sr9 we have to replace the objects and once the object are added to the document make the selection.