Curve Split Self Intersection Plugin Update v1.1.0

v1.1.0 Features:

  1. Separate a self-intersecting curve into a main curve and fin curves.
  2. Use “S” input to remove kinks.
  3. Use “R” input to change corner radius.
  4. Support most kinds: general curve, poly line, closed curve, planner curve, spacial curve.

The component can be found under tab: Curve → Util → Split Self
Installation: move file “CurveSplitSelfIntersection.gha” to grasshopper library folder.

CurveSplitSelfIntersection.gha (13.5 KB) (547.7 KB)

The example demonstrates a lofting application.

Auto search and detect main path on curve.

Build-in smooth function.

Change corner radius

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