GH Multipipe vs. Rhino Multipipe and Fatten: Is the smoothest setting gone?

Below is the same set of lines from a cairo tiling, processed with GH Fatten (top) GH Multipipe (middle) and Rhino Multipipe (bottom). The settings I chose for each were as similar as I could get across the three commands:

Maybe I just haven’t tried the right combination of settings, but I can’t get the new GH Multipipe component to produce the smoothness I can get from setting Fatten and Rhino Multipipe’s length subdivisions to zero.

Also note that some of the struts from GH multipipe have one subdivision and some have two.

@DanielPiker am I doing something wrong here? The smoothing effect of zero subdivisions was one of my favorite features. Is it sacrificed in this new component in order to achieve the much improved performance at high valence intersections or something?

Here’s my basic comparison definition:MultiPipe (64.5 KB)

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I guess you forgot to provide an input value of ‘EndOffset’ to “0.0” maybe?


Thanks. This is way more controllable that it ever has been! Yay!

The only confusing part is that “end offset” and “segment” seem to affect each other and sometimes feel like their numerical input works in reverse of how it used to?

EndOffset is the distance from the node to the first edge loop along the strut, as a multiple of the node size.

However, if the strut is so short, or the Node size or EndOffset settings are so high that there is not room to add these edge loops at both ends without causing overlaps, it will add only one, or if there is not even room for that, it doesn’t add any.

The ‘Segment’ setting is for if you want to add more edge loops between the first and last. Note that these do not affect the shape, it is more for if you want them there to allow further editing of the shape later. It divides each strut into as many segments as needed according to its length so that none of the segments are shorter than the given input value.

For both Segment and EndOffset, zero is a special input. If the EndOffset input is zero, then nodes are connected directly, with no additional loops between them (this also overrides the Segment setting). If Segment is zero (the default), then no edge loops are added between the offset loops.


Is the Version of Kangaroo that contains MultiPipe already publicly available?

Yes, it is in Rhino 7: