GH Data Output/Input Rhino Command Error Msg Bug

Hi @DavidRutten

Love the data Output & Input components to link files but I have been getting an error message even when the source and destination are matching and the data is flowing through with no errors on the components just in the command line. I thought it might just be m computer but sent the file to someone else and they see the same error msg.

I have attached an Example code as well as it happens on all codes. Even with simple data. . ghdata file is in the zip folder or I could not post it. (48.9 KB)

GH Input (25.7 KB)
GH Output (20.5 KB)

Any Thoughts?


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This bug is still here.

All of my Data Output components in Grasshopper are sending false error messages to the Rhino command line. They are working fine but errors that are incorrect does not instill one with a sense of confidence in the software.

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Same here

It’s only been a year and a half since it was reported so give it a few more years before expecting a fix. That’s the Grasshopper way.

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