GH curve and points angle


I am so confused, maybe you could help me out in this situation…
I have long 3D polyline with many points on it, each point will represent fence component inserted via Tekla. What I want to achieve, that each point would be orientated so it is alfa/2 and facing only right side of polyline. Is it possible? Can’t upload rhino file - too heavy, but if anyone could help with an example - would be grateful. Thank you (14.2 KB)

You didn’t internalize your Crv param.

I used Rhino 7, can’t attach Tekla component here. Could you help with a solution of any random polyline with points to solve similar task? I am missing a concept of how to calculate correct angle between vectors. Thank you

I don’t have Tekla anyway and doubt that it’s needed.

Either post the R7 file or right-click the Crv param and select “Internalise data” (Internalize data).

No more time now… This might be useful? I don’t really know your objective :interrobang:

Using two sample polycurves, one found in your GH file (moved near the origin and scaled) and the other I created. (23.1 KB)

P.S. This code has several flaws, perhaps all limited to handling multiple polylines? Seems to work as expected with only one polyline but fails with two more more… :thinking: Other plans today preclude a quick fix from me, sorry.

I think you can cheat it with a tiny double offset + curve side here: (20.1 KB)

I tested with a few random polylines.


Fixed :bangbang: (24.2 KB)